Jun 30, 2019

Hello, my dear sparklies. In today's post, I decided to show you a small fashion trick which you already know, but you probably don't know how powerful it could be. How many belts do you have in your wardrobe? Probably not enough. Did you know that a good belt could be a game changer, because it changes not only an outfit and style but also body shape, too? So, I found a couple of great dresses from babyonlinedresses which would look even better with a belt on. 

Jun 25, 2019

Kada sam prošle godine skratila kosu za nekih 15-ak centimetara moja rutina nege kose se promenila u tom smislu da je iz te rutine gotovo potpuno izbačen serum, odnosno takozvane silikonske kapi. Serum koji sam imala je bio dosta guste teksture, masniji i samim tim teži tako sam sa njim lako gubila volumen u korenu, jer su krajevi bili teški. Da se razumemo tu njegovu 'masniju', težu stranu efikasnosti sam primećivala i tokom korišćenja na dugoj kosi ali sam uz pravo (čitaj minimalno) doziranje pronašla meru koja je za mene radila posao, tako da sam taj masniji serum jako volela dok sam imala baš dugu kosu sa izrazito suvim krajevima jer je kao takav lepo zaglađivao krajeve i fino održavao iluziju zdrave kose.

Hello, my dear, sparkly people. One of my favorite things, as you probably already know, is online shopping. Finding a new place for shopping is a very exciting and fun experience, but often it is just another way to spend your money. Oopsie. But, of course, I am still on my mission to find the perfect online store which offers great quality, low prices, amazing clothes, and best shoes. Is chicmillions.com an online store of my dreams? Let's find out!

Jun 24, 2019

Činjenica je da je 'savršena' koža pojam koga se svi mi lako latimo kada želimo da dočaramo ljubav prema neko proizvodu. Ipak, i to savršenstvo je, kao i svako drugo, gotovo nedostižno i treba svakodnevno raditi kako bi se barem približili tom cilju. Ukoliko je i vaša koža tela sklona perutanju kao i moja postoji mali nedeljni ritual zahvaljujući kome, za svega 5 minuta našeg vremena, možemo pomoći svojoj koži da bude nežna, glatka i, zašto da ne, savršena. Zbog toga su moja očekivanja od Body Boom kafenog pilinga bila ogromna. 

Iako je sajt kozmetikaiparfemi.rs već godinama unazad dobro poznato mesto za onlajn kupovinu proizvoda poljskog brenda Ingrid, činjenica je da je njihov asortiman tokom prošle godine proširen i nekim novim imenima među kojima je našu pažnju posebno privukao još jedan brend koji nam dolazi iz Poljske, Donegal. O njihovim proizvodima smo pisale OVDE , međutim ovog puta sam na test stavila četke za šminkanje, po kojima je ovaj brend, između ostalog, i poznat. Iako je dizajn četkica izuzetno primamljiv, ipak s obzirom na to da se po prvi put susrećem s njima, priznajem nisam očekivala mnogo. Već sa prvim šminkanjem bila sam prijatno iznenađena.

Da ste me pre par meseci pitali kakav bronzer volim da koristim odgovor bi verovatno bio 'MAT'. Možete onda zamisliti moje blago razočarenje kada mi se u rukama našao Llums Marbelized Bronzer koji je sve samo ne mat. Ono što me je dodatno zaitrigiralo da ga, ipak, probam je kratak, ali za bronzer neočekivan, opis da ovaj proizvod treba koristiti kako bi se njima naglasile (upotrebljen je izraz HIGHLGHT) jagodice i crte lica. Izraz hajlajt svakako nisam očekivala, ali sam se vrlo brzo zaljubila u taj njegov efekat.

Za Deborah Milano ste verovatno čuli odavno i, iskreno, nešto u ovom brendu me i dan danas podseća na šminku koju su kupovale generacije naših mama i baka. Međutim, čini mi se da tokom poslednjih godinu dana postao mnogo vidljiviji na tržištu i primamljiviji mlađim generacijama. Jedan od najzamljivijih momenata koji se meni desio s Deborah šminkom jeste da mi je njihov klasičan dizajn pakovanja bio jako inspirativan te ste Deborah logo utisnut na karminu mogli da više puta vidite na @get_sparkly instagramu. Ipak, bitnije od pakovanja je kvalitet, zbog čega sam se pored karmina zaljubila u još dva proizvoda. 

Ovo je proizvod koji redovno koristim kod svakog šminkanja. Dobila sam ga u maju i od tada je nezaobilazan korak. Najpre moram reći da nisam potpuno u ljubavi sa činjenicom da ovaj puder ima intenzivan parfemski miris koji ma koliko doprinosio njegovom classy utisku ipak nije nešto što bih navela kao dopadljivost. Pakovanje mi se ,s druge strane, dopada jer pored toga što ima fino ogledalo urađeno je od plastike koja nije kruta i lako lomljiva.

Golden Rose je pre nekoliko meseci predstavio ozbiljne palete senki, i u tu igru je ušao hrabro dopunivši ih proizvodima za lice - bronzerom, hajlajterom i rumenilom. Jasno je da je GR time želeo da ljubiteljima svoje šminke predstavi palete koje će biti praktične, nosive, jednostavne za upotrebu i, zašto da ne, dovoljne. Ukoliko već imate zavidan broj drugih paleta, ne očekujte revolucionarne nijanse koje do sada niste videli, ali ukoliko tek započinjete sa stvaranjem svoje kolekcije ove dve palete će biti i više nego dobar početak.

Jun 23, 2019

Prom season is not over yet.  One of the best things I have learned about creating a prom outfit on the budget is to choose the right jewelry. Jewelry has the power to change an outfit completely, from an ordinary to a fashionable. Choose details smart and have a couple of fashion rules on your mind, but never follow them blindly. The most important thing about fashion is to be you. Follow your inner fashion icon, but sometimes stop for the second and read what others said about style. It could be very helpful to define your own fashion rules. So, in today's post, I decided to talk about a couple of rules on how to choose the right jewelry for the red or burgundy dresses from Baby Online Wholesale

Babyonline offers a variety of cheap prom dresses under 50 and I found a couple of really amazing red or burgundy dresses, so I decided to share some jewelry tricks. But first things first, let's make it clear, you don't have to choose between silver and gold, you can wear it both, at the same time. This rule is one of the oldest fashion rules, and in most cases, you have to think about matching jewelry with the color of your dress, not with the rest of your jewelry. If it fits well, you can mix and match different metals. But for example red or burgundy dress, goes perfectly with solid gold jewelry because they belong to the same warm color family. Wear a gold cuff bracelet with the red dress to enhance the color of it. Of course, some shades of red are on the cooler side and the perfect match for those are cute diamond stud earrings. White rhinestones are a great choice if you are not a fan of gold jewels, but you can also wear emerald green, yellow or red stones. 

All dresses are made from high-quality fabrics and design of it very sophisticated. Click on the photos for direct links. 

Jun 18, 2019

Hello, my dear sparkly people. In today's blog post I will talk about something completely different from anything you saw before at my blog. First things first, I want to make it clear, I am not mother, I'm not even pregnant but I thought it could be fun for me and useful for all future mothers, to show you the online store I found a couple of days ago. Cutieppies is a true discovery for me. It is an online store which sells high quality and stylish maternity clothing. They offer a wide range of trendy dresses, tops, swimsuits, nursing clothes, but my attention took special occasion maternity clothes.  Everything is very affordable and they guarantee the quality of their fashion items.

Jun 17, 2019

If you are long enough here, then you know that I am wearing prescription glasses, and design and quality of it are very important for me. Finding good quality glasses online is not an easy task because you are not always sure what will you get and you have to think about a couple of things before you buy it. So, in today's post, I decided to introduce an online store Jupitoo, specialized in selling cheap prescription glasses online. Also, I will give you my favorite tips on how to shop for inexpensive glasses online.

Jun 16, 2019

Prom season is almost over, but if you are one of those who still are searching for the dress I am here to help you with a little bit different blog post. As you can see I am not ready to give up on my searching for the most beautiful prom dress of 2019.   My idea was to find prom dresses which you would wear in different occasions such as family dinners, weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, etc. But then I decided to go even further, so I choose the most glamorous but very affordable dresses from babyonline. Could you even imagine a beautiful gown you could wear in various special occasion under 50$?

Jun 8, 2019

Hello, my dear sparkly people, in today's blog post I want to show you something a little bit different. My prom night was a long time ago but I'm still looking for lovely prom dresses all over the internet. It's my hobby now, I guess. My fashion sense changed a lot since my prom night, and if I had to choose my prom dress now, I would choose something a lot different. Finding new stores with a wide range of prom dresses become my hobby and I really enjoy it. So,  for today's post, I decided to create my personal prom dress wishlist from babyonline dresses.

Jun 4, 2019

Summer is finally here. We are ready to jump into summer clothes, such as cute embroidery dress, sexy denim shorts, and comfy jumpsuit. We are so prepared to be sun-kissed and to show some skin in off-shoulder tops, open back dresses and show our tanned legs in cute ruffle skirts. As you can tell, we already have a couple of outfits in our head and dozens on our Pinterest page. But, today I will show you another inspirational place I found a couple of days ago. Maxinina.com is an online store which sells trendy women clothes, shoes, and accessories, but they also have some men's clothes. 

Jun 2, 2019

Wedding is the occasion to wear the outfit which you probably never wear. It is an opportunity to wear bright colors, sequins, cocktail dress, long skirt, tulle, chiffon,  but sometimes when you have too many choices, it is hard to choose the right length, fabric or style of dress. However, there are a couple of tips for choosing the right bridesmaid dress. I visited babyonlinedresses one more time and found dresses perfect for a spring wedding.

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