Mar 22, 2020


Hello, my dear, sparkly readers. I know how hard is to find peace and be relaxed and calm. Lots of people all over the world lost their minds and maniacally start buying home supplies as it could help them to survive if they got infected. Toilet paper won't help you to feel better if you get the virus. I am spending my time in isolation watching documentaries and I am a little bit worried about my immune system than my toilet paper situation. But, if you will feel better if you buy extra large packaging of paper, then you go for it, but you should have on your mind that if you buy all of it, then other people will buy none. And that is why it's so important to calm down and think smart. 

Let me be honest, if you are interested in the information about the virus, please visit the official website of your government. I think it is the best way to get the right information and advice on what to do in this very serious situation. I know lots of people who are sitting and drinking coffee or bear with their friends and posting it on their social media like it's nothing. Also, lots of them don't understand what social distinction means. People think they only should spend time with their friends, playing games and drinking wine, and it is not what quarantine means. Please, visit one of the official websites or even one of the online dictionaries and you will see it's not that funny. 
Those are some of my quick thoughts about this hard topic. I hope that you are safe, and your family, too. 

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