Aug 29, 2018

Aug 29, 2018
Wedding season is still not over, and it is the right time to talk about MillyBridal homecoming dresses. In general, you can choose any dress you want or like, but of course, somebody created some rules that we need to keep in our mind. Please take this rules as advice and don't follow them blindly.  Fashion is the place for creativity and freedom,...

Aug 28, 2018

Aug 28, 2018
Curling irons, blow dryers and other forms of electrical curlers may seem to do the magic for a while and give you perfect curls, but after some time it could damage your hair, thus making them look dull, frizzy and rough. The Good news is that your flawlessly full curls can be achieved easily without the use of hair curler or other expensive and...
Aug 28, 2018
Ukoliko me pitate kom brendu se posebno radujem u poslednjem periodu, moj odgovor bi bez sumnje odmah bio Eucerin. Pored toga što poštujem sam brend proteklih meseci sam redovno koristila neke njihove proizvode pa  slobodno mogu reći da se kunem u njihovu micelarnu vodu, kao i u Eucerin losion za telo. Na red je došao jedan prilično ozbiljan...

Aug 27, 2018

Aug 27, 2018
Hello, my dear sparkly people, in today's post I want to talk to you about front lace wigs. I wasn't completely sure what front lace means, what is the difference between those and regular wigs, what kind of front lace wigs exist etc. So, I made a research to find out more and also inform you about it. ...

Aug 25, 2018

Aug 25, 2018
Flask bracelet iliti "pljoska" narukvica jedna je od interesantnih komada nakita na koje smo nedavno naletetele. Kako smo pisale o nakitu namenjenom bezbednosti, fizičkoj aktivnosti, itd, red je da to učinimo i sa vašim novim saveznikom u alkoholizmu. :) Šalu na stranu, evo o čemu se radi.  ...

Aug 23, 2018

Aug 23, 2018
Hello, my dear sparkly people. Today I have an interesting, but also a funny topic for you. It was on my mind for a long time and finally, I made a small research and wrote the blog post about it. Hair extensions always were very interesting for me because they make you look totally different without changing your natural hair.  They are the...

Aug 22, 2018

Aug 22, 2018
Hello, my dear sparkly babies, today I want to talk to you about the wedding dresses I found at We all know that every girl dreams about a perfect wedding dress so this time my mission was to find a cheap but beautiful wedding dress. When I start scrolling through the website I was impressed with all of this dresses and I kinda wanted...

Aug 14, 2018

Aug 14, 2018
Hello there, my dear sparkly people. It's been a while since I sit down and wrote something for you. But here I am again and have an interesting topic. As you already know I like to find new online spots where we can buy special occasion dresses. It became my favorite subject and I am very happy when I get an opportunity to scroll through that kind...

Aug 13, 2018

Aug 13, 2018
Nakon što u život dođe beba, izgled i stil mame se često promeni, a odnos prema nakitu se manje ili više transformiše. Ida Prester nam je prošlog puta ispričala kako je to kod nje izgledalo, a ovog puta je isto uradila i Nevena Veselinović. Ona možda nije tako poznata, ali je svakako veoma draga i praćena na Instagramu, kao Vukašinova mama i žena...

Aug 9, 2018

Aug 09, 2018
Hello, my lovely, sparkly people, I believe you will love today's topic because I know that everybody loves discounts, coupons, and codes. Sometimes I am waiting for the sale season to buy trendy items I like, but often I am following my favorite shopping websites very carefully and wait for their promo codes.  I can tell I am a huge fan of...

Aug 7, 2018

Aug 07, 2018
A couple of months ago I've introduced website called Berrylook and I finally restarted my brain so I can tell you more about it. I believe you will love today's topic because I decided to find some budget-friendly hoodies on the website. I know, I know it is still summer, it's pretty hot here, but autumn will come quickly. Also, I want to share...

Aug 2, 2018

Aug 02, 2018
After a short vacation, I am finally back to blog writing. Today I want to talk about something a little bit different and for some of you it will be really useful. I don't have problems with the quality of my hair, the only thing I don't like about it is a lack of volume. That's why I decided to write about hair extensions and introduce an interesting...

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